Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Jesus has landed

Jesus prepares his lemmings for the March on Rome

Victory is sweet, so drink up fellas!!



Late last night, reports indicate that Jesus Christ, son of God, landed in a neighborhood in the vicinity of downtown Chicago. Upon landing, Jesus immediately snorted several lines of uncut Columbian cocaine, and subsequently indicated his desire to form a fascist mass movement of disaffected fanatics, criminals, reprobates, tyrants, and sociopaths to consolidate the power of global banker trillionaire satanists.

Jesus smokes a doober after attending the coronation of the Homeland Security Youth Brigade

When asked for comment, Jesus was quoted as saying, "Our souls are broken. We need hope. Also we need to bomb the living shit out of Pakistan. That place is fucking toast."

A Russian-made Topol-M ICBM , which Jesus will save you from.

Right-wing propaganda. There's no such thing as banker sponsored fascist mass movements , certainly not with Obama!

"Prolonged unemployment and national defeat, both individually and collectively, cause a loss of status, a sense of alienation, a disassociation of group ties, mounting frustration and a search for a ready and immediate solution to complex social and economic issues. Mass movements with totalitarian aspirations offer continuous and aggressive activity to disaffected individuals -- an activity that we know (on the basis of suggestive empirical evidence) reduces anxiety, helplessness, and frustration.

Interpretations of fascism

The men behind Barack Obama : Part 1

The men behind Barack Obama : Part 2


Oil Shock said...

Great Job!

Anonymous said...

great job? what the fuck is this guy talking about? no sources. nothing but a wild eye tin foil hat wearing wack job. and i don't like obama. but come on this is retarded.

Anonymous said...

Looks like cryptic racism to me.

Global Tinfoil said...

The guy speaking is Webster Tarpley, who is a scholar and a historian. He speaks fluent Italian.

As a journalist living in Europe in the 1980s, Tarpley wrote a study commissioned by a committee of the Italian Parliament on the assassination of Prime Minister Aldo Moro. The study reported on the false flag nature of the assassination, orchestrated by the neofascist lodge P2 with the cooperation of senior members of Italian government secret services but blamed on the Red Brigades.[1]

Anonymous said...

Don't listen to this guy. Democracy is right because the majority rules. The majority watches CNN, so their news is right. This guy doesn't have anything else to do then research political and monetary influences. The majority don't have time because they are scraping by to make interest payments on shit they didn't need until the credit companies raised their limits. So the right thing to do is keep consuming stuff, not knowledge.

Anonymous said...

I like Obootma smooking
nice post

Anonymous said...

Dude. WTF is this crap. You used to be cool, now you're just another raving nutbag. Turn off the damn in-ter-net and get some z's.

Global Tinfoil said...

You know you're over the target when you're taking fire...

Anonymous said...

When people are telling you you've stepped out over the edge, you may want to look down.

Global Tinfoil said...

Hahah you guys really come out of the woodwork!! Okay, let's play:

"Assumptions relevant to average situations are less relevant to irregular situations, especially when the "rules of the game" themselves do change."

Anonymous said...

The old Fascist ruling class will have its best Trojan show horse and decoy yet. A person of color that amounts to hardly more than a slick hollywood actor groomed to pretend to lead a nation ruled under the kind of tyrants that Martin Luther King and Gandhi gave their lives to openly defy and condemn.

Is he worse then the crazies behind McCain. IMO, No. What we have here is friendly fascism. Police state-lite. Where as McInsane would have been in you face fascism because the kind of psychos that rallied around him get off on that shit.

They only thing that would change things is a complete collapse of our financial system, which they are taking down as gingerly as possible not to incite panic or mass protests in the billions which is not going to happen.

What do you do arrest half the bankers in the world and the top management at all the large multi-nationals that benefit from the real rulers? Not bloody likely. Collapse or slavery.

Actually it was Brezinski that stopped the nuking of Iran with the insertion of Gates back in 06. Obamaco just has a different was to dominate the globe, it's really not that different.

Obama's job is crowd control while we switch financial paradigms he will be despised at the end of four years and the elite will position another sock puppet to take his place.

Anonymous said...

The old Fascist ruling class will have its best Trojan show horse and decoy yet. A person of color that amounts to hardly more than a slick hollywood actor groomed to pretend to lead a nation ruled under the kind of tyrants that Martin Luther King and Gandhi gave their lives to openly defy and condemn.

Is he worse then the crazies behind McCain. IMO, No. What we have here is friendly fascism. Police state-lite. Where as McInsane would have been in you face fascism because the kind of psychos that rallied around him get off on that shit.

They only thing that would change things is a complete collapse of our financial system, which they are taking down as gingerly as possible not to incite panic or mass protests in the billions which is not going to happen.

What do you do arrest half the bankers in the world and the top management at all the large multi-nationals that benefit from the real rulers? Not bloody likely. Collapse or slavery.

Actually it was Brezinski that stopped the nuking of Iran with the insertion of Gates back in 06. Obamaco just has a different was to dominate the globe, it's really not that different.

Obama's job is crowd control while we switch financial paradigms he will be despised at the end of four years and the elite will position another sock puppet to take his place.

Anonymous said...

Obama won and the Clintons have been marginalized for at least 8 years. Nice goin' PTB.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap you have to be ruthless and opinionated in order to matter in the world? who knew. You conspiracy guys are great until you actually have to run things, then you end up doing nothing but preparing for whatever disaster or great evil you think looms ahead. No wonder none of these people actually matter in the world.

Anonymous said...

WTF @ koolaid....

GJ globaltinfoilracist....

Global Tinfoil said...

I'm flattered at all the traffic, really, but unfortunately I'm not interested in the 'racist' misrepresentations of my position by the Obamazoids or the anonymous cointelpro cowards.

This has nothing to do with racism, which I will not tolerate, but everything to do with resisting banker controlled global feudalism.

Anonymous said...

Everything is tin-foil right?

Blows my mind that people that should know better view the obvious as absurd...

GS... Keep thinking man....

Oil Shock said...

BTW, Tinfoil,

My first comment was made before watching the video links in the post. I didn't know what the content of those videos were. Now that I know, I take back my earlier comment. This guy is a LaRouche hack....