Monday, November 3, 2008

Gold Bugs To Beat Up Anti-Tinfoil Morons

Oh my how the tables are finally turning. Though the anti-precious metals crowd like Kitco's resident dumbass John "EPIC FAIL" Nadler have consistently lied throughout their corrupt and disingenuous careers, the Keynesian chickens have finally come home to roost. Twenty years of COMEX futures market manipulation will soon be exposed for all the world to see, as the existing financial system disintegrates before the eyes of the planet's horrified worker bees.

John 'EPIC FAIL' Nadler, resident Kitco shill, pictured above after having his ass kicked by irate gold bugs

Let us begin with a short excerpt from Dr. Jim Willie's latest piece:

Upcoming Gold Default
Dr. Jim Willie, Ph.D.

The COMEX gold & silver markets are each hurtling down a dangerous path toward default. The artificial paper price has created enormous physical demand, and hampered supply production, if not delivery. The gap between the JPMorgan-led corrupted phony paper price and the legitimate physical price in actual trading markets has grown sharply, enough to force a breakdown like in any distorted market. When December contracts in gold & silver are demanded to be satisfied via delivery of the metal, it will be clear that the COMEX is running a scam. A default is highly likely. Of course, they can continue to deny contract holders the right to benefit from delivery, as they have been doing for months to ‘Non-Economic Customers’ but soon the ‘Commercial Customers’ will be defrauded. Arrests are warranted. We will see how this corruption unfolds.

Well isn't this interesting. Put the above in the context of the following:

1) Record Treasury Bond settlement failures

Panic at the hedge fund disco

2) Vanishing Open Interest at the COMEX

Delivery defaults imminent, baby

3) Skyrocketing Gold Lease Rates

Bullion banks ain't gonna loan you the gold , buddy

4) Settlement in Coin Melt

According to Bob Chapman, speaking on the National Intel Report at Republic Broadcasting Network, the Germans were forced by the United States to take delivery of coin melt, instead of real gold bars. The German foreign minister has been quoted as saying, "WTF ez zees bullsheet".

Some where in Germany. Doe a deer, a female deer, ray not a drop of COMEX gold...

5) Upcoming G20 international financial conference on November 15th.

Expect to see alot of hand wringing by the G7 while Russia and China, flush with FOREX, current account surpluses, and industrial productive capability, will dictate the terms to the debtor nations. Of course, this was the plan all along. To relegate the bankrupt United States to a Third World vassal state, with a collapsed 'defense contractor' economy, the bulldog of the international banking elite. Let's say it together. "Woof woof." Just watch out for the US dollar to crater. That's what's coming in 2009.

Hmmmm those skies sure do look funny!

Perhaps people will begin paying more attention to the reality of the 'New World Order' when there are defaults on the COMEX, gold and silver vault into the stratosphere, and sweeping control of the global financial system is handed to Russia, China, and new unelected transnational entities run by vicious trillionaire fascist bureaucrats.

Of course we can sprinkle in war in Pakistan and Central Asia for good measure. Aw c'mon, we've got highly lethal drone weapons systems to try out!

Global Hawk, shortly after 'pacifying' an unruly Pakistani wedding upon orders from Obama and his legions of Kool-Aid drinking fanatics


Anonymous said...

Hilarious! But true. :D

Anonymous said...

haha! This blog rocks.

Anonymous said...

About those drones...

We keep flying them on stupid missions thinking we are invincible.

Meanwhile, on the ground, the Russians or whoever are recording all the telemetry guiding these drones.

We are going to go in somewhere hot one of these days and wonder why our drone is flying back to base, and why it is shooting rockets at our own parked aircraft.

Even more dangerous than the Russians would be some 15-year-old kid with a real-time spectrum analyzer and a camera to film the drone's movements to see what signals control what.

Bukko Boomeranger said...

I don't think Obama is issuing the orders to those drones just yet. That would still be President Dick...

Anonymous said...


Tom Bionic said...


I esp like the picture of "nadler". Red ears like that, he must have a drinking problem...perhaps that explains the things he writes...

Global Tinfoil said...

@K Ackerman

We keep flying them on stupid missions thinking we are invincible.

Meanwhile, on the ground, the Russians or whoever are recording all the telemetry guiding these drones."

Yeah, agreed. The Russians have large amounts of Tesla related technology which the United States tended to overlook. Not like it matters so much since we don't run our country any more!

Hurray for the banker coup!

Anonymous said...


Which drones are you talking about?
The one million gathered in Chicago's Grant Park tonight?

Bukko Boomeranger said...

No, Josh. The ones gathering in Chicago would be called "the winners." I mean the drones in the sky doing a "Cambodia 1970" over Waziristan.

Pardon me if the Cambodia reference is oooooold. It's just that I've seen this movie before, the jungle version. Didn't turn out all that well...

Anonymous said...

Oh my, that beautiful sky filled with chem-trails is where i wanna make home, hmm i dont have a chip, oh its ok!, i get to turn right, TO THE AIRPORT. hopefully i get to ride on those chem-whales in the sky!!

Anonymous said...

Global Hawk, shortly after 'pacifying' an unruly Pakistani wedding upon orders from Obama and his legions of Kool-Aid drinking fanatics

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