Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Gordon Brown Sheds a Tear for Bretton Woods

PM Gordon Brown sheds a single, lonely tear for the death of Bretton Woods

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, international moron extraordinaire and part-time Luciferian henchman, has put his silly ass reputation on the line to pimp for the New World Order, ah, I mean, uh , 'Bretton Woods III'. Goodbye Petrodollar , hello Verichip!! Long live the queen!!!

It is understood that the Prime Minister wishes to see the IMF reformed to become a "global central bank" closely monitoring the international economy and financial system. There may also be global rules to prevent conflicts of interest and to boost transparency in the financial system.


Thanks Gordon. Pathological liars and international criminals are always appreciated here at Global Tinfoil. Too bad you're getting discovered, boys. How's that for 'transparency'. But back to the implications -- You can bet your ass Russia and China will be running any new global central bank. Farewell G7!!!

All your base are belong to SCO

Red line go down, Petrodollar drown. Glub glub glub...


Anonymous said...

Hey GS... I posted the following on Mish's site at 2:20 PM eastern.... And no I did not see your latest post until just now :)

Has anyone seen this or something similar from a different source?


NWO here we come?

Or is my tinfoil hat on too tight again?
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Global Tinfoil said...

Hey pol-can

I got the link to the article from your post. Thanks!!

Yes tinfoil is growing almost as big as the US Tbond bubble. No but seriously this whole criminal banking takeover is gettin' creepy.

They're a bunch of dangerous criminals if you ask me!!

Anonymous said...

I just LOVE the name of this blog. LMAO.