Thursday, October 16, 2008

Financial System About to Blow Sky-High

On Wednesday October 08, Global Tinfoil first reported that the Lehman failure represented a controlled demolition of the financial system, in Lehman CDS: Detonation or Dud?, which included a heartwarming picture of Arnie the Bankrupt Governator with his pals Warren Buffet and Jacob Rothschild. On Thursday October 09, we posted some documents from Satyajit Das, author of Traders, Guns, and Money, documenting how a 'credit event' can cause massive systemic failure, in Lehman Controlled Demolition. On Friday October 10, we obtained information regarding the date of the Lehman settlement, which will occur on Tuesday October 21st at a 91.4% loss. Global Tinfoil believes Lehman is the credit event, so that probably means we are wrong and everything will turn out just fine. Keep contributing to that 401k; there's never been a better time to buy!

EU Poster = Tower of Babel. EPIC FAIL.

Today, Mish reported in a real, respectable blog with an audience that the EU has called for a summit to end Bretton Woods. Bretton Woods has been the foundation of the international monetary system since World War II. Here at Global Tinfoil, we believe systemic meltdown is imminent.

As if to further our case, the IHT is now reporting UBS and Credit Suisse received $14.1 billion from the global slush fund.

UBS and Credit Suisse receive urgent bailout funds

PARIS: As the financial crisis continued to roll through world markets despite massive bailouts, the two leading Swiss banks said Thursday they had secured emergency support totalling some $14.1 billion, either from the Swiss authorities or from outside investors including the Qatar Investment Authority.

Listen: when the Illuminist Swiss banks are getting slush money, Hank Paulson style, you know this thing is about go critical. The only way to protect yourself will be food, land, and precious metals.


Anonymous said...

love the blog, you are hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Love the blog, you are hilarious (and prescient).

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Earth!

The end is nigh!

Tin is in!


Anonymous said...

Hey GS.... I thought you might enjoy this article from Jim Willie :)

Good read....

Anonymous said...

GS.... One of my many daily reads with lots of good links to other news sources daily...

Global Tinfoil said...

thanks guys!

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