Sunday, November 9, 2008

Countdown to G20

G20 membership, lalalala everything will be just fine, okay!

Go Lafayette, go!!!

The G20 meeting is less than a week away, set to occur on Saturday November 15th in the satanic capital of the world, otherwise known as Washington, DC. The global banker syndicate will include the Group of 7 industrialized nations (US, Germany, France, etc), as well as 'developing' nations which comprise the G20, including powerhouse net creditor nations such as Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC).

Putin prepares to send a Topol-M down your stack

The agenda of the meeting is what is under question. This may include the end of the US Dollar as the sole global reserve currency. Rumors are flying, including the possibility that trade out of the Eastern Bloc , aka the SCO, will be pegged to a basket of currencies rather than simply dollars. This would facilitate bilateral trade between Russia and China, at the expense of US Dollar, due to the vast current account deficits which the United States must presently finance with borrowed money from the Chinese, Japanese, Russians, and Arabs.

Don't you wish you were the blue line...

The stage is set for a global economic meltdown, the perfect pretext for a 'new world' financial system to be established very quickly, possibly in under 90 days according to the Brazilian Finance Minister.. The US Dollar is the big question. The other big question is whether the meeting ends in chaos or 'results'. Your guess is as good as mine. I would suggest the meeting ends in chaos, due to contrived 'rebellion' from the BRIC nations. Then perhaps we are in for another dose of economic pain before Americans cave in to the austerity demands of their foreign creditors.

Remember, although the United States Dollar may be the world's reserve currency, we are also the largest debtor nation in the history of the planet. Creditors dictate the terms to the debtor, not the other way around. Global Tinfoil suggests you hedge your portfolio against currency risk, or else you may end up like the failed northern utopia called Iceland.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Jesus has landed

Jesus prepares his lemmings for the March on Rome

Victory is sweet, so drink up fellas!!



Late last night, reports indicate that Jesus Christ, son of God, landed in a neighborhood in the vicinity of downtown Chicago. Upon landing, Jesus immediately snorted several lines of uncut Columbian cocaine, and subsequently indicated his desire to form a fascist mass movement of disaffected fanatics, criminals, reprobates, tyrants, and sociopaths to consolidate the power of global banker trillionaire satanists.

Jesus smokes a doober after attending the coronation of the Homeland Security Youth Brigade

When asked for comment, Jesus was quoted as saying, "Our souls are broken. We need hope. Also we need to bomb the living shit out of Pakistan. That place is fucking toast."

A Russian-made Topol-M ICBM , which Jesus will save you from.

Right-wing propaganda. There's no such thing as banker sponsored fascist mass movements , certainly not with Obama!

"Prolonged unemployment and national defeat, both individually and collectively, cause a loss of status, a sense of alienation, a disassociation of group ties, mounting frustration and a search for a ready and immediate solution to complex social and economic issues. Mass movements with totalitarian aspirations offer continuous and aggressive activity to disaffected individuals -- an activity that we know (on the basis of suggestive empirical evidence) reduces anxiety, helplessness, and frustration.

Interpretations of fascism

The men behind Barack Obama : Part 1

The men behind Barack Obama : Part 2

Monday, November 3, 2008

Gold Bugs To Beat Up Anti-Tinfoil Morons

Oh my how the tables are finally turning. Though the anti-precious metals crowd like Kitco's resident dumbass John "EPIC FAIL" Nadler have consistently lied throughout their corrupt and disingenuous careers, the Keynesian chickens have finally come home to roost. Twenty years of COMEX futures market manipulation will soon be exposed for all the world to see, as the existing financial system disintegrates before the eyes of the planet's horrified worker bees.

John 'EPIC FAIL' Nadler, resident Kitco shill, pictured above after having his ass kicked by irate gold bugs

Let us begin with a short excerpt from Dr. Jim Willie's latest piece:

Upcoming Gold Default
Dr. Jim Willie, Ph.D.

The COMEX gold & silver markets are each hurtling down a dangerous path toward default. The artificial paper price has created enormous physical demand, and hampered supply production, if not delivery. The gap between the JPMorgan-led corrupted phony paper price and the legitimate physical price in actual trading markets has grown sharply, enough to force a breakdown like in any distorted market. When December contracts in gold & silver are demanded to be satisfied via delivery of the metal, it will be clear that the COMEX is running a scam. A default is highly likely. Of course, they can continue to deny contract holders the right to benefit from delivery, as they have been doing for months to ‘Non-Economic Customers’ but soon the ‘Commercial Customers’ will be defrauded. Arrests are warranted. We will see how this corruption unfolds.

Well isn't this interesting. Put the above in the context of the following:

1) Record Treasury Bond settlement failures

Panic at the hedge fund disco

2) Vanishing Open Interest at the COMEX

Delivery defaults imminent, baby

3) Skyrocketing Gold Lease Rates

Bullion banks ain't gonna loan you the gold , buddy

4) Settlement in Coin Melt

According to Bob Chapman, speaking on the National Intel Report at Republic Broadcasting Network, the Germans were forced by the United States to take delivery of coin melt, instead of real gold bars. The German foreign minister has been quoted as saying, "WTF ez zees bullsheet".

Some where in Germany. Doe a deer, a female deer, ray not a drop of COMEX gold...

5) Upcoming G20 international financial conference on November 15th.

Expect to see alot of hand wringing by the G7 while Russia and China, flush with FOREX, current account surpluses, and industrial productive capability, will dictate the terms to the debtor nations. Of course, this was the plan all along. To relegate the bankrupt United States to a Third World vassal state, with a collapsed 'defense contractor' economy, the bulldog of the international banking elite. Let's say it together. "Woof woof." Just watch out for the US dollar to crater. That's what's coming in 2009.

Hmmmm those skies sure do look funny!

Perhaps people will begin paying more attention to the reality of the 'New World Order' when there are defaults on the COMEX, gold and silver vault into the stratosphere, and sweeping control of the global financial system is handed to Russia, China, and new unelected transnational entities run by vicious trillionaire fascist bureaucrats.

Of course we can sprinkle in war in Pakistan and Central Asia for good measure. Aw c'mon, we've got highly lethal drone weapons systems to try out!

Global Hawk, shortly after 'pacifying' an unruly Pakistani wedding upon orders from Obama and his legions of Kool-Aid drinking fanatics

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

China and Russia Threaten US Dollar

A confused FOREX trader reads the screens following a night of heavy drinking

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation logo, which roughly translates as 'All your base are belong to us'

Russian and Chinese leaders have taken preliminary steps towards pulling the plug on the US Dollar, known in Russian as 'маленький камрад запада' or 'Contemptible Little Comrade of the West.' Indeed, Russian and Chinese authorities have issued joint comments calling for bilateral trade in roubles and yuan. This latest development occurs on top of recent statements from the Chinese that the US is no longer worthy of status as world reserve currency

Putin Urges China to Join in Moving Away From Dollar

``Wider use of national currencies'' in the two countries' trade with each other is needed, Putin said at the Russia-China Economic Forum in Moscow today. ``We all know this well, the whole world based on the dollar is experiencing serious problems.''

Obviously this fits right into the New World Order master plan for world government; which of course is only possible after a fully contrived 'East vs West' global conflict. Don't worry , it's just a conspiracy! I'm sure your strong US Dollar based savings will survive any speculative attack by the vicious and corrupt international banks. In any case, look for Russia and China to appear on the 'new enemies list' shortly. Farewell US Dollar; though your days are numbered, you have served us fat and lazy Americans quite well!

Russia, China call for trade in more currencies

Tue Oct 28, 2008 6:51am EDT

MOSCOW, Oct 28 (Reuters) - Russian and Chinese leaders called on Tuesday for world finance to use a wider range of currencies, and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin suggested bilateral trade in roubles and yuan rather than dollars.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Packs of Robots Will Hunt Down Uncooperative Humans

Human decisions are removed from strategic defense.

Samsung Arms drone ensures 'cooperation' at a toll plaza

Packs of robots will hunt down uncooperative humans

October 22, 2008 6:00 PM

New Scientist

The latest request from the Pentagon jars the senses. At least, it did mine. They are looking for contractors to provide a "Multi-Robot Pursuit System" that will let packs of robots "search for and detect a non-cooperative human".

Didn't these people learn anything from Terminator 2!! Apparently not. Well guess what: Global Tinfoil Research Ltd is working on a "non-cooperative robot detecting robot". How do you like them apples, DARPA?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Air Force to Hire More Pilots For Drones

Speed limits will be strictly enforced by the Predator™

The Air Force's 'FAILCOPTER' program was unsuccessful

Air Force creates new pilot programs for drones
By LOLITA C. BALDOR, Associated Press Writer Lolita C. Baldor, Associated Press Writer Thu Oct 23, 7:47 am ET

WASHINGTON – Scrambling to meet commanders' insatiable demands for unmanned aircraft, the Air Force is launching two new training programs, including an experimental one that would churn out up to 1,100 desperately needed pilots to fly the drones over Iraq and Afghanistan.

As many as 700 Air Force personnel have expressed some interest in the test program, which will create a new brand of pilot for the drones, which are flown by remote control from a base in Nevada. That new drone operator will learn the basics of flying a small manned plane, but will not go through the longer, more rigorous training that their fighter jet brethren receive.

I wonder how long until the drones are patrolling America. Probably under 18 months. Well look on the bright side... warfare and cybernetics will be a shining beacon of light in a collapsing economy!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Global Tinfoil Mid-Week Update

Hello landless peasant serfs! Our apologies for the recent delays in the news as we have been busy stockpiling Bibles!

Idaho, bastion of American freedom and origin of the word 'ain't'.

1) We contacted the Idaho National Guard, and according to them, previous reports regarding federalization are incorrect. This began with a rumor out of Texas and has been denied by the Idaho National Guard. So this rumor must be treated as unconfirmed.

2) Pakistan, Argentina, Iceland and possibly others are on the verge of sovereign default.

-Pakistan seeks IMF loan

Pakistan shortly after a previous infusion of IMF 'help'

The International Monetary Fund says Pakistan has asked it to help deal with its looming balance of payments crisis.

Talks on plans to strengthen Pakistan's economic stability would begin in the next few days, an IMF statement said.

-Iceland stock market loses 90% of value; shortages of food and clothing spread

Iceland , the home of beautiful women, failed banks, and uh, ice.

Icelandic peasant serfs stockpile food in preparation for next month's Bjork concert

Icelandic Shoppers Splurge as Currency Woes Reduce Food Imports

Oct. 13 (Bloomberg) -- After a four-year spending spree, Icelanders are flooding the supermarkets one last time, stocking up on food as the collapse of the banking system threatens to cut the island off from imports.

Bonus, a nationwide chain, has stock at its warehouse for about two weeks. After that, the shelves will start emptying unless it can get access to foreign currency, the 22-year-old manager said, standing in a walk-in fridge filled with meat products, among the few goods on sale produced locally.

-Argentina sovereign bonds trade at 30c on the dollar.

If you look close, you can actually see the Argentinian peso falling

Flashback to the previous Argentian crisis, from like two weeks ago or whatever

Argentina Default Looms, Pension Fund Seized

Argentina defaulted on its bonds in 2001, offering investors 30 cents on the dollar in 2005. Some investors refused and are still haggling over it. Seems like they should have taken the 30 cents and run. Here we are again, with Argentine bonds trading at 30 cents on the dollar. Only this time, that 30 cents is before default.

3) Sovereign CDS debt spreads are widening

Putin nods in approval at European credit woes

Europe now glows in the dark due to financial toxic waste

CDS report: European credit derivatives at record wides

Meanwhile, European sovereign credit default swaps, a form of protection against default on government bonds, were also trading wide amid concerns over the high levels of debt governments will have to issue as they recapitalise the banking system.
The so-called peripheral nations of Greece, Italy, Portugal and Ireland are facing the greatest pressures along with Spain, where property prices have crashed.

Greek CDS prices over five years are trading around a record 95bp, while Italy and Ireland are trading around 80bp and Portugal and Spain around 70bp. These are twice the level such CDS were at before the collapse of Lehman, which imploded on September 15.

According to Global Tinfoil's research division, rising CDS spreads on sovereign debt does not bode well for planet earth at the present time.

4) The implications (or lack thereof) of the Lehman controlled demolition are unclear. An immediate equity meltdown did not occur, but as mentioned earlier, sovereign CDS spreads have skyrocketed.

Global Tinfoil has asked the secretive CDS industry for comment, and has been told the grass is green and the sun is shining...

CDS industry sources have provided this exclusive photograph of the debt markets

According to Fixed Income Clearing Corporation /IDSA, the Lehman CSD transactions have been settled without any issues. We must take these assertions with a grain, possibly a pound, of salt.

[This is] what we'd expect the ISDA to say, of course. They're looking out for their livelihood, amid a deepened public mistrust of derivative securities and the potential threat they pose to the financial system.

It's still not clear to me that we won't hear about some hedge fund or other market player being unable to make good on a Lehman swap payment. But if a huge calamity was brewing, you'd figure we'd know by now.

The full implications of the Lehman event will only be clear with time. Obviously the equity meltdown we expected did not materialize, most likely because the major players in these trades had been marked to market or covered losses with borrowed reserves. This event may, however, have a continuing impact on bank and hedge fund balance sheets. Regardless of the specific intent or consequence of the Lehman failure, it is becoming undeniable we now have absolute contagion in the financial system, which will almost invariably result in global depression.

And now for the weather: The planet's f*cked, it's getting worse, have a nice week-end!!