Tuesday, October 28, 2008

China and Russia Threaten US Dollar

A confused FOREX trader reads the screens following a night of heavy drinking

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation logo, which roughly translates as 'All your base are belong to us'

Russian and Chinese leaders have taken preliminary steps towards pulling the plug on the US Dollar, known in Russian as 'маленький камрад запада' or 'Contemptible Little Comrade of the West.' Indeed, Russian and Chinese authorities have issued joint comments calling for bilateral trade in roubles and yuan. This latest development occurs on top of recent statements from the Chinese that the US is no longer worthy of status as world reserve currency

Putin Urges China to Join in Moving Away From Dollar

``Wider use of national currencies'' in the two countries' trade with each other is needed, Putin said at the Russia-China Economic Forum in Moscow today. ``We all know this well, the whole world based on the dollar is experiencing serious problems.''


Obviously this fits right into the New World Order master plan for world government; which of course is only possible after a fully contrived 'East vs West' global conflict. Don't worry , it's just a conspiracy! I'm sure your strong US Dollar based savings will survive any speculative attack by the vicious and corrupt international banks. In any case, look for Russia and China to appear on the 'new enemies list' shortly. Farewell US Dollar; though your days are numbered, you have served us fat and lazy Americans quite well!

Russia, China call for trade in more currencies

Tue Oct 28, 2008 6:51am EDT

MOSCOW, Oct 28 (Reuters) - Russian and Chinese leaders called on Tuesday for world finance to use a wider range of currencies, and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin suggested bilateral trade in roubles and yuan rather than dollars.


Friday, October 24, 2008

Packs of Robots Will Hunt Down Uncooperative Humans

Human decisions are removed from strategic defense.

Samsung Arms drone ensures 'cooperation' at a toll plaza

Packs of robots will hunt down uncooperative humans

October 22, 2008 6:00 PM

New Scientist

The latest request from the Pentagon jars the senses. At least, it did mine. They are looking for contractors to provide a "Multi-Robot Pursuit System" that will let packs of robots "search for and detect a non-cooperative human".


Didn't these people learn anything from Terminator 2!! Apparently not. Well guess what: Global Tinfoil Research Ltd is working on a "non-cooperative robot detecting robot". How do you like them apples, DARPA?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Air Force to Hire More Pilots For Drones

Speed limits will be strictly enforced by the Predator™

The Air Force's 'FAILCOPTER' program was unsuccessful

Air Force creates new pilot programs for drones
By LOLITA C. BALDOR, Associated Press Writer Lolita C. Baldor, Associated Press Writer Thu Oct 23, 7:47 am ET

WASHINGTON – Scrambling to meet commanders' insatiable demands for unmanned aircraft, the Air Force is launching two new training programs, including an experimental one that would churn out up to 1,100 desperately needed pilots to fly the drones over Iraq and Afghanistan.

As many as 700 Air Force personnel have expressed some interest in the test program, which will create a new brand of pilot for the drones, which are flown by remote control from a base in Nevada. That new drone operator will learn the basics of flying a small manned plane, but will not go through the longer, more rigorous training that their fighter jet brethren receive.


I wonder how long until the drones are patrolling America. Probably under 18 months. Well look on the bright side... warfare and cybernetics will be a shining beacon of light in a collapsing economy!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Global Tinfoil Mid-Week Update

Hello landless peasant serfs! Our apologies for the recent delays in the news as we have been busy stockpiling Bibles!

Idaho, bastion of American freedom and origin of the word 'ain't'.

1) We contacted the Idaho National Guard, and according to them, previous reports regarding federalization are incorrect. This began with a rumor out of Texas and has been denied by the Idaho National Guard. So this rumor must be treated as unconfirmed.

2) Pakistan, Argentina, Iceland and possibly others are on the verge of sovereign default.

-Pakistan seeks IMF loan

Pakistan shortly after a previous infusion of IMF 'help'

The International Monetary Fund says Pakistan has asked it to help deal with its looming balance of payments crisis.

Talks on plans to strengthen Pakistan's economic stability would begin in the next few days, an IMF statement said.


-Iceland stock market loses 90% of value; shortages of food and clothing spread

Iceland , the home of beautiful women, failed banks, and uh, ice.

Icelandic peasant serfs stockpile food in preparation for next month's Bjork concert

Icelandic Shoppers Splurge as Currency Woes Reduce Food Imports

Oct. 13 (Bloomberg) -- After a four-year spending spree, Icelanders are flooding the supermarkets one last time, stocking up on food as the collapse of the banking system threatens to cut the island off from imports.

Bonus, a nationwide chain, has stock at its warehouse for about two weeks. After that, the shelves will start emptying unless it can get access to foreign currency, the 22-year-old manager said, standing in a walk-in fridge filled with meat products, among the few goods on sale produced locally.


-Argentina sovereign bonds trade at 30c on the dollar.

If you look close, you can actually see the Argentinian peso falling

Flashback to the previous Argentian crisis, from like two weeks ago or whatever

Argentina Default Looms, Pension Fund Seized

Argentina defaulted on its bonds in 2001, offering investors 30 cents on the dollar in 2005. Some investors refused and are still haggling over it. Seems like they should have taken the 30 cents and run. Here we are again, with Argentine bonds trading at 30 cents on the dollar. Only this time, that 30 cents is before default.


3) Sovereign CDS debt spreads are widening

Putin nods in approval at European credit woes

Europe now glows in the dark due to financial toxic waste

CDS report: European credit derivatives at record wides

Meanwhile, European sovereign credit default swaps, a form of protection against default on government bonds, were also trading wide amid concerns over the high levels of debt governments will have to issue as they recapitalise the banking system.
The so-called peripheral nations of Greece, Italy, Portugal and Ireland are facing the greatest pressures along with Spain, where property prices have crashed.

Greek CDS prices over five years are trading around a record 95bp, while Italy and Ireland are trading around 80bp and Portugal and Spain around 70bp. These are twice the level such CDS were at before the collapse of Lehman, which imploded on September 15.


According to Global Tinfoil's research division, rising CDS spreads on sovereign debt does not bode well for planet earth at the present time.

4) The implications (or lack thereof) of the Lehman controlled demolition are unclear. An immediate equity meltdown did not occur, but as mentioned earlier, sovereign CDS spreads have skyrocketed.

Global Tinfoil has asked the secretive CDS industry for comment, and has been told the grass is green and the sun is shining...

CDS industry sources have provided this exclusive photograph of the debt markets

According to Fixed Income Clearing Corporation /IDSA, the Lehman CSD transactions have been settled without any issues. We must take these assertions with a grain, possibly a pound, of salt.

[This is] what we'd expect the ISDA to say, of course. They're looking out for their livelihood, amid a deepened public mistrust of derivative securities and the potential threat they pose to the financial system.

It's still not clear to me that we won't hear about some hedge fund or other market player being unable to make good on a Lehman swap payment. But if a huge calamity was brewing, you'd figure we'd know by now.


The full implications of the Lehman event will only be clear with time. Obviously the equity meltdown we expected did not materialize, most likely because the major players in these trades had been marked to market or covered losses with borrowed reserves. This event may, however, have a continuing impact on bank and hedge fund balance sheets. Regardless of the specific intent or consequence of the Lehman failure, it is becoming undeniable we now have absolute contagion in the financial system, which will almost invariably result in global depression.

And now for the weather: The planet's f*cked, it's getting worse, have a nice week-end!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

India bank workers to strike tomorrow

Yes friends, the timing is very bad. Tomorrow India's central bank goes on strike. Talk about bad luck. Do we really believe this is a coincidence? In the latest piece of information concerning a possible hellish tomorrow Tuesday October 21st, we find that India's central bank staff will be on strike the same day we expect a $300-400bn Lehman CDS settlement.

India’s central bank staff to strike

By James Lamont in New Delhi and James Fontanella-Khan in Mumbai

Published: October 17 2008 15:54 | Last updated: October 17 2008 18:22

The timing is unusual to say the least. Buffeted by the worst global financial crisis in generations and with local banks thirsting for cash, the staff at India’s central bank are going on strike.

On Tuesday, a day of mass action will bring the Reserve Bank of India and large parts of the country’s financial system to a halt. For the day, the quick-fire launch of emergency measures to inject liquidity, avoid bank runs and support stressed mutual funds will cease.


As many may realize, tomorrow, the day of the strike, is also the day that many Western counterparties have to make good on their Lehman CDS obligations from its controlled demolition by the Federal Reserve and JP Morgan Chase. Indeed Reggie Middleton's analysis shows that Ambac will be hit particularly hard, taking an approximate $1.5 billion loss to their tangible equity of $1.9 billion. No doubt there will be other unexpected contingencies in this momentous cluster-you-know-what of historic proportions.

Will tomorrow be hell on earth? Or will this turn out to be a wet firecracker? Is Ben Bernanke's beard even real? Or did he fraudulently grow it with Rogaine? Someone please explain what the heck is going on.

Federal Reserve Inflation Commander Ben Bernanke, during his earlier years as a Greatful Dead groupie. Whoa dude, money and credit out of nothing... far out!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Financial System About to Blow Sky-High

On Wednesday October 08, Global Tinfoil first reported that the Lehman failure represented a controlled demolition of the financial system, in Lehman CDS: Detonation or Dud?, which included a heartwarming picture of Arnie the Bankrupt Governator with his pals Warren Buffet and Jacob Rothschild. On Thursday October 09, we posted some documents from Satyajit Das, author of Traders, Guns, and Money, documenting how a 'credit event' can cause massive systemic failure, in Lehman Controlled Demolition. On Friday October 10, we obtained information regarding the date of the Lehman settlement, which will occur on Tuesday October 21st at a 91.4% loss. Global Tinfoil believes Lehman is the credit event, so that probably means we are wrong and everything will turn out just fine. Keep contributing to that 401k; there's never been a better time to buy!

EU Poster = Tower of Babel. EPIC FAIL.

Today, Mish reported in a real, respectable blog with an audience that the EU has called for a summit to end Bretton Woods. Bretton Woods has been the foundation of the international monetary system since World War II. Here at Global Tinfoil, we believe systemic meltdown is imminent.

As if to further our case, the IHT is now reporting UBS and Credit Suisse received $14.1 billion from the global slush fund.

UBS and Credit Suisse receive urgent bailout funds

PARIS: As the financial crisis continued to roll through world markets despite massive bailouts, the two leading Swiss banks said Thursday they had secured emergency support totalling some $14.1 billion, either from the Swiss authorities or from outside investors including the Qatar Investment Authority.


Listen: when the Illuminist Swiss banks are getting slush money, Hank Paulson style, you know this thing is about go critical. The only way to protect yourself will be food, land, and precious metals.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Chinese Dragon Poked in Global NWO Chess

The Chinese dragon is growing impatient

After China's sovereign wealth fund flushed $8 billion down Morgan Stanley and Blackstone earlier this year, the fund may have lost an additional $5.4 billion to the American deflationary vortex in the money markets via Reserve Primary Fund, which went belly up the day after Lehman's failure.

Oct. 13 (Bloomberg) -- China Investment Corp., the sovereign wealth fund that bought stakes in Morgan Stanley and Blackstone Group LP before their stocks plunged, may have as much as $5.4 billion frozen in a U.S. money-market account.


Global Tinfoil has obtained this exclusive photograph of the Reserve Primary Fund, dated September 16th 2008, shortly before its demise:

The Reserve Primary Fund, pictured above, flees for safe harbor after it froze $5.4 billion in Chinese cash

What are the implications? Well it depends on whether the Chinese get their money back. Will Goldman Sachs, I mean uh, the US Treasury Department, insure the Chinese against deflationary losses in the American money markets?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Gordon Brown Sheds a Tear for Bretton Woods

PM Gordon Brown sheds a single, lonely tear for the death of Bretton Woods

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, international moron extraordinaire and part-time Luciferian henchman, has put his silly ass reputation on the line to pimp for the New World Order, ah, I mean, uh , 'Bretton Woods III'. Goodbye Petrodollar , hello Verichip!! Long live the queen!!!

It is understood that the Prime Minister wishes to see the IMF reformed to become a "global central bank" closely monitoring the international economy and financial system. There may also be global rules to prevent conflicts of interest and to boost transparency in the financial system.


Thanks Gordon. Pathological liars and international criminals are always appreciated here at Global Tinfoil. Too bad you're getting discovered, boys. How's that for 'transparency'. But back to the implications -- You can bet your ass Russia and China will be running any new global central bank. Farewell G7!!!

All your base are belong to SCO

Red line go down, Petrodollar drown. Glub glub glub...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Ice Cream and Puppies Save Global Markets

Bear market halted in tracks; ice cream and puppies once again return to the minds of floor traders. Evil Illuminists powerless in the face of heroic global central bank intervention. Federal Reserve promises unlimited borrowing. Mindless masses cheer competitive currency devaluation.

An attractive blogger fills her stove with 100(A) Amero notes to keep warm

A member of the Global Tinfoil rapid response team

Friday, October 10, 2008

Berlusconi Says Markets May Be Closed

Berlusconi shows his support for the Texas Longhorns

Berlusconi Says Leaders May Close World's Markets (Update1)

By Steve Scherer

Oct. 10 (Bloomberg) -- Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said political leaders are discussing the idea of closing the world's financial markets while they ``rewrite the rules of international finance.''

``The idea of suspending the markets for the time it takes to rewrite the rules is being discussed,'' Berlusconi said today after a Cabinet meeting in Naples, Italy. A solution to the financial crisis ``can't just be for one country, or even just for Europe, but global.''


Wow what leadership! Thanks morons! What a bunch of reprobates and sociopaths.

Lehman Demolition to Continue For Weeks

Lehman CDS: It Won't Be Over Today
Oct 10 2008 9:45AM EDT

Vipal Monga today mentions something I was unaware of: the Lehman CDS auction today is not the end of the story when it comes to settling those trades. All it does is set the price: settlement doesn't happen until October 21, the week after next. In other words, to the degree that there's nervousness over counterparties being unable to meet their CDS obligations, it's going to remain through not only this weekend but also the weekend afterwards.

In fact, the actual settlement price is one of the few things we already know, more or less: it's going to come in somewhere between 10 cents and 20 cents on the dollar. The huge list of things we don't know, by contrast, is going to remain unknown until after October 21.


Looks like today is simply the auction. The forced selling required to liquidate assets for the CDS settlement will not happen until the week after next. What does this mean for the stock market today? I really don't know.

The stock market is very oversold, but if there is forced liquidation or panic selling it could continue to go lower. The credit derivative event will not become most serious until we begin the final approach to the settlement date of October 21 2008. That is when Pac Man strikes.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Lehman Controlled Demolition

source: Satyajit Das

As we approach Friday 10/10/2008, it is becoming increasingly clear that the 'failure' of Lehman (orchestrated by JP Morgan and the Federal Reserve) represents a controlled demolition of the Credit Default Swap market. The impacts will be on the order of $400 billion, possibly higher, which is more than enough to infect the entire global financial system, including bond and currency markets.

WMD wiring diagram. Yield approx 600kiloton of tinfoil.
source: Satyajit Das

Tomorrow will be a watershed event, probably 'lock limit down' to quote Mish. I really hope I am wrong but with Lehman debt trading at 10c on the dollar someone is going to have to cough up hundreds of billion$ of dollars, and my crystal ball says they don't have the dough.. Thus, this ensures forced selling which begets more selling, ad infinitum, until the USTbond complex/USD craters and makes its final swan dive towards zero.

Expect eventual riots, civil disturbances, probably more false flag terror attacks, as these social reprobrates at the central banks begin the final implosion of the US economy.

NEW YORK, Oct 9 (Reuters) - Banks, hedge funds and other sellers of protection on Lehman Brothers' (LEN.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) (LEHMQ.PK: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) debt are facing losses in the area of 90 percent the insurance sold when the value of the failed bank's credit default swaps are settled in an auction on Friday.

If sellers of protection outweigh buyers in the auction, as some analysts expect, losses may be even higher.

Lehman's bankruptcy filing last month sent its bond values plunging as the majority of the investment banking assets that had supported the debt were purchased by Barclays Bank, leaving debt holders at the abandoned holding company with little to reclaim.

The auction to settle credit default swaps protecting the debt will be one of the largest settlements of contracts in the $55 trillion market, with around $400 billion in contract volumes estimated on Lehman's debt.


In other words, the orchestrated failure of Lehman has ensured absolute contagion. This is the beginning of the end in the sense. The United States is about to become a failed Third World state. Leadership of the New World Order will be 'handed off' to Russia and China as we make the final move towards global fascist dictatorship.

Now is the time to get food, water, medicine, gasoline, ammunition, and precious metals (if you can still find them). Oh, and don't forget to purchase your aluminum foil. For hats and radio signals or wahtever.

Hank Paulson needs to borrow like... $700billion. He's good for it. Seriously.

Emergent BioSolutions gets 'emergency' protection

Thursday, October 9, 2008 - 10:06 AM EDT

Baltimore Business Journal - by Tucker Echols Contributor

Emergent BioSolutions Inc. has been shielded from lawsuits related to its profitable anthrax treatments.

The Rockville-based biotech said Thursday its anthrax treatments, the vaccine Biothrax and its Anthrax Immune Globulin, have been designated as covered countermeasures to a public health emergency under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act. The act provides liability protection to manufacturers to encourage them to seek defenses for severe health risks like anthrax.

Emergent said the Secretary of Health and Human Services has declared that anthrax and the resulting disease constitutes a public health emergency. The declaration, and by extension the liability protection, will remain in effect until Dec. 31, 2015.

BioThrax is the only vaccine licensed by the Food and Drug Administration for the prevention of anthrax infection. Last week, Emergent won a second order from HHS of 14.5 million doses of Biothrax worth as much as $404 million. The government’s first order of 19.75 million doses of Biothrax is currently being filled and should earn Emergent $448 million.

Hmmm... billions of dollars at stake. . .

US Government Plays the Anthrax Card

On Monday October 6th, a entry into the Federal Register went a little like this:

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: Declaration pursuant to section 319F-3 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d-6d) to provide targeted liability protections for anthrax countermeasures based on a credible risk that the threat of exposure to Bacillus anthracis and the resulting disease constitutes a public health emergency.

DATES: This notice and the attached declaration are effective as of the date of signature of the declaration.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: RADM W.C. Vanderwagen, Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, Office of the Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services, 200 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20201, Telephone (202) 205-2882 (this is not a toll-free number).

HHS Secretary's Declaration for Utilization of Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act for Anthrax Countermeasures (emphasis added - G)

Whereas significant changes in the nature, regularity and degree of threats to health posed by the use of infectious agents as weapons of biological warfare have generated increased concern for the safety of the general American population particularly following the deliberate exposure of citizens in the

[[Page 58240]]

United States to Bacillus anthracis (B. anthracis) spores in 2001 that demonstrated the ease of dissemination, infectivity, and mortality; Whereas the Secretary of Homeland Security has determined that B. anthracis and multi-drug-resistant B. anthracis present a material threat against the United States population, sufficient to affect national security; Whereas there are covered countermeasures to treat, identify, or prevent adverse health consequences or death from exposure to B. anthracis; Whereas such countermeasures, including vaccines, antimicrobials/ antibiotics, and antitoxins for pre-exposure and post-exposure prevention and treatment, diagnostics to identify such exposure, and additional countermeasures for treatment of adverse events arising from use of these countermeasures exist or may be the subject of research and/or development; Whereas such countermeasures may be used and administered in accordance with Federal contracts, cooperative agreements, grants, interagency agreements, and memoranda of understanding, and may also be used and administered at the Regional, State, and local level in accordance with the public health and medical response of the Authority Having Jurisdiction; Whereas, the possibility of governmental program planners obtaining stockpiles from private sector entities except through voluntary means such as commercial sale, donation, or deployment would undermine national preparedness efforts and should be discouraged as provided for in section 319F-3(b)(2)(E) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d-6d(b)) (``the Act''); Whereas, immunity under section 319F-3(a) of the Act should be available to governmental program planners for distributions of Covered Countermeasures obtained voluntarily, such as by (1) Donation; (2) commercial sale; (3) deployment of Covered Countermeasures from Federal stockpiles; or (4) deployment of donated, purchased, or otherwise voluntarily obtained Covered Countermeasures from State, local, or private stockpiles; Whereas, the extent of immunity under section 319F-3(a) of the Act afforded to a governmental program planner that obtains covered countermeasures except through voluntary means is not intended to affect the extent of immunity afforded other covered persons with respect to such covered countermeasures. Whereas, in accordance with section 319F-3(b)(6) of the Act, I have considered the desirability of encouraging the design, development, clinical testing or investigation, manufacturing, labeling, distribution, formulation, packaging, marketing, promotion, sale, purchase, donation, dispensing, prescribing, administration, licensing, and use of such countermeasures with respect to the category of disease and population described in sections II and IV below, and have found it desirable to encourage such activities for the covered countermeasures; and Whereas, to encourage the design, development, clinical testing or investigation, manufacturing and product formulation, labeling, distribution, packaging, marketing, promotion, sale, purchase, donation, dispensing, prescribing, administration, licensing, and use of medical countermeasures with respect to the category of disease and population described in sections II and IV below, it is advisable, in accordance with section 319F-3(a) and (b) of the Act, to provide immunity from liability for covered persons, as that term is defined at section 319F-3(i)(2) of the Act, and to include as such covered persons such other qualified persons as I have identified in section VI of this declaration; Therefore, pursuant to section 319F-3(b) of the Act, I have determined there is a credible risk that the threat of exposure of B. anthracis and the resulting disease constitutes a public health emergency.


As many others, I was stunned and amazed by this release. Obviously, this does not bode well, especially considering the computational models coming out of Half Past Human, which show a steadily increasing probability of a United States mass casualty event to coincide with the global economic collapse.

Today , I received inside information regarding a second confirmation, this time via the FDA. I will publish the letter I received in full.

October 3, 2008
Robin Robinson, Ph.D.
Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA)
330 Independence Avenue SW
Room G640
Washington, DC 20201
Dear Dr. Robinson:
This letter is in response to BARDA's October 1, 2008 submission, as amended,1 requesting that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issue an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the pre-event provision and potential use of doxycycline hyclate tablet emergency kits2 for inhalational anthrax, pursuant to section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act). Your request is specifically for eligible3 United States Postal Service (USPS) participants in the Cities Readiness Initiative (CRI) (hereinafter USPS participants) and their household members.4
On September 23, 2008, pursuant to section 564(b)(1)(A) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3(b)(1)(A), the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security determined that there is a significant potential for a domestic emergency, involving a heightened risk of attack with a specified biological, chemical, radiological, or nuclear agent or agents--in this case, Bacillus anthracis.5 On October 1, 2008, pursuant to section 564(b) of the Act, and on the basis of such determination, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services declared an emergency justifying the authorization of the emergency use of doxycycline hyclate tablets accompanied by emergency use information subject to the terms of any authorization issued under 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3(a).6,7 Having consulted with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and having concluded that the criteria for issuance of this authorization under section 564(c) of the Act are met, I am authorizing the emergency use of doxycycline hyclate tablet emergency kits for the post-exposure prophylaxis of inhalational anthrax for eligible USPS participants and their household members,8 subject to the terms of this authorization.
The remainder of this letter is organized into four sections: Background, Criteria for Issuance of Authorization, Scope of Authorization, Conditions of Authorization, and Duration of Authorization.



Please tell me what the hell is going on. Are we to believe Dr. Ivins is plotting from beyond the grave? Or is the criminal syndicate which sent the original anthrax is 2001 still operating within the US government and 'defense' complex?

aka. Who was responsible for the 2001 anthrax attacks?

Astonishingly, a photograph of the specific building in which the Ames strain of hyper-weaponized powdered anthrax was tested appears courtesy of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) from one of their educational slide presentations. This photo further establishes, as detailed in BMI's operations description, the direct association between the Dugway Proving Grounds "Life Sciences Facilities" and BMI's "Aerosol Engineering & Biological Sciences Facilities." (38,39)

On May 20, 1998 Dr. Alibekov testified before the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress as a Program Manager for the Battelle Memorial Institute (BMI)-a leading military contractor and one of few institutional suspects identified by the press. William Broad of the New York Times (Dec. 13, 2001), upon Dr. Horowitz's earlier urging, cited BMI as the chief CIA contractor for project "Clearvision"-an effort to produce the deadliest Ames strain anthrax ever developed. It was hyper-concentrated, silica-laced, electro-magnetized, and extremely transmissible. The facts indicate Dr. Alibekov, one of two leading anthrax experts contracted by the CIA at the time of "Clearvision," may have managed the entire program during which the germ was sent from BMI to the BMI administered and supplied Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah. From here or BMI's anthrax lab in West Jefferson, Ohio, the never-before-seen anthrax weapon was transferred to envelopes and mailed from four locations including Trenton, N.J. and St. Petersburg, FL in early October, 2001. The mailings killed five people while scores of others were victimized by the ensuing fright and toxic side effects from taking CIPRO-the "anthrax antibiotic," according to experts and news reports.

More suspicious ties to the Russian defector and Hadron Advanced Biosystems were realized when investigators learned of the second leading BMI and CIA anthrax contractor, and close personal friend of Dr. Alibekov, Dr. William C. Patrick, III. Suspiciously, Dr. Alibekov and BMI had contracted with this anthrax ace in the Spring of 1998 to predict the dispersal and damage capability of mailing such a hyper-weaponized germ much like the one sent to select members of the media and legislators on Capitol Hill.


The three independent investigators each cite economic and political motives for the targeted anthrax mailings. Given the high grade and technical difficulty in producing and handling this grade of anthrax, they reasoned, "white collar criminals" with access to military or pharmaceutical labs most likely acted on behalf of those who benefited most from the attacks and ensuing fright. Hadron and its affiliates, including DynCorp and BMI, lead the pack of corporate and institutional suspects, the investigators say. A revelatory organizational chart prepared by Dr. Horowitz depicting these corporate and institutional suspects was mailed to more than 1,500 FBI agents late last year along with an extensive 25-page report still available over the Internet (link to http://www.tetrahedron.org/articles/anthrax/anthrax_espionage.html)

Logically, the three investigators reasoned, the media was initially targeted to sway public opinion in support of government orders worth billions of dollars for hyped vaccines and drugs, much of which benefited Hadron, DynCorp, BMI and their directors. DynCorp was the major military and intelligence provider awarded $322 million to develop, produce, and store anthrax and smallpox vaccines for the nation. BMI, a leading defense and energy industry contractor, directed the US military's Joint Vaccine Acquisitions Program. Bioport, LLC became a leading beneficiary.


May you live in interesting times. And if this really goes down, make sure you point the fingers at those responsible: Battelle Memorial Institute, Dyncorp, Bioport, Hadron, and the others associated with this criminal syndicate.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Lehman CDS: Detonation or Dud?

Welcome to the first real post of Global Tinfoil Analysis, dedicated to raising tinfoil-related awareness across planet Earth. Shout outs to Mish and his band of merry Deflationistas!


As some of you may know, Friday (10/10/2008) is when Lehman's CDS trades will be settled. Let me get to the point: Will this blow up the system? Or will this explosion be a dud? Was it on purpose? Who benefits? Let us review the facts.

1) Lehman was the only investment bank which was allowed to 'fail' (enter formal bankruptcy). Wait one damned minute here. You mean to tell me the Fed was willing to bail out EVERYONE except Lehman? Did Lehman miss the Rothschild's Christmas Party or something? This whole thing makes no sense.

Warren 'Bailout' Buffet, Arnie the Bankrupt Governator, and Lord Illuminati Jacob Rothschild Masonberger the 33rd (also known as 'Master') at the private Rothschild estate in Scotland

2) JP Morgan helped orchestrate the failure of Lehman by revoking a line of credit.

“The creditors’ committee understands that LBHI [Lehman Brothers Holding Inc] had at least $17 billion in excess assets which were held at JPMC [JP Morgan Chase] on the Friday going into the weekend before its bankruptcy filing,” the documents said.

“The creditors’ committee further understands that, on September 12, 2008, JPMC refused to allow LBHI access to its excess assets and instead ‘froze’ LBHI’s account. In freezing LBHI’s assets, JPMC was purportedly holding all of LBHI’s assets as a potential offset against any claims JPMC may have had against LBHI.”

The filing goes on to claim that “as a result of JPMC’s actions, LBHI suffered an immediate liquidity crisis, that could have been averted by any number of events, none of which transpired”.

3) We know from court documents that JP Morgan forwarded Lehman an illicit 'payment' of $138 billion AFTER Lehman declared bankruptcy. JPM and their associated criminal syndicate was immediately reimbursed by the Federal Reserve for the said $138 billion, in two payments, and the whole fraudulent enterprise was to ostensibly to settle 'client' transactions (of which JP Morgan was the likely counterparty).

source: Rob Kirby

So why? What is the point of this? Well, my tinfoil aware friends, the 'point' may be to initiate a 'controlled demolition' CDS cascade with which the power that be can consolidate their near fascist death grip on the global financial system. As many are aware, JP Morgan is a front for a dangerous criminal syndicate, has national security exemption on its 'trash can' balance sheet, and JPM may be operating as a proxy, wishing to cause further market carnage as a pretext to consolidate the global financial system under Russian and Chinese control, via a handful of insider US banks and the Federal Reserve cartel, who in turn are traitors looking to further their own control and hand of 'leadership' to the far East.

In simpler terms, Hank Paulson is working for the Chinese.

Now this Lehman CDS 'doomsday' scenario only happens if the CDS trades are settled for say, 50c on the dollar or worse, because then any of the casino players will have to cough up the cash to settle the difference. Whoever is holding the Queen of Spades, aka the Derivatives Bitch Queen is going to be yelling "SELL MORTIMER SELL". But this all depends on how Lehman's CDSs trade on Friday, who can get ahold of the bonds, the prices, the orientation of the moon, and possibly whether I eat eggs for breakfast.

But the storm clouds are brewing.

NEW YORK, Oct 8 (Reuters) - The value of credit default swaps backed by defaulted Lehman Brothers bonds will be set on Friday, with protection sellers expected to face massive losses of around 90 percent of the insurance they sold.

Bondholders have seen their investments virtually wiped out by Lehman's bankruptcy filing on September 15, with most of the defaulted bonds which will be used to settle the swaps trading in the area of 12-to-13 cents on the dollar, according to MarketAxess.

Some may ask, just how many hallucinated debt-pixels are at stake with Friday's Lehman CDS settlement?

Well, we are looking at $200 BILLION to $1000 BILLION. Yes, aka , Katie Bar the Door because this ain't just a minor weapons malfunction.


Of course, it'd be nice if this was a complete dud, a wet firecracker like Monday's Fannie and Freddie CDS, which recovered 92c on the dollar on the multi-trillion mortgage fraud sewers. But will Lehman have the same luck? Will Lehman receive the Wet Firecracker Award? Or, more likely, is this the beginning of a controlled demolition of the CDS market, courtesy of JPMorgan and the Federal Reserve?

I don't know the answer to these questions, but I do know this is one potential 'grey swan' which may about to be sucked into the New World Order debt engine / derivatives death star.

Origins of Tinfoil


Foil made from a thin leaf of tin was commercially available before its aluminium counterpart. In the late 19th century and early 20th century, tin foil was in common use, and some people continue to refer to the new product by the name of the old one. Tin foil is stiffer than aluminium foil. It tends to give a slight tin taste to food wrapped in it, which is one major reason it has largely been replaced by aluminium and other materials for wrapping food.

The first audio recordings on phonograph cylinders were made on tin foil.

Tin was first replaced by aluminium starting in 1910, when the first aluminium foil rolling plant, “Dr. Lauber, Neher & Cie., Emmishofen.” was opened in Kreuzlingen, Switzerland. The plant, owned by J.G. Neher & Sons (aluminium manufacturers) started in 1886 in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, at the foot of the Rhine Falls - capturing the falls’ energy to produce aluminium. Neher's sons together with Dr. Lauber discovered the endless rolling process and the use of aluminium foil as a protective barrier.

Tin foil is also a good deflector of light. Wrapping it around an object with the shiny side outward will keep the object cool. Light will hit it and be deflected, keeping the sun's rays away thus keeping it cool. It can also be put on windows — shiny side outward — to keep the sun out.